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Official ESA

So....Rex is an official emotional support dog now. (ESA) Woohoo!!! Talk about mercury retrograde. In the process of getting the right paperwork, and getting approved from a psych therapist, I had to delve in deep of my past. Of course she approved it and thinks that I need a dog. I am much more content with a dog in my life for my emotional stability for sure.

So now I can actually keep Rex without hiding him or feeling bad in our condo. Even though it sucked to be served on paper by the manager, I am kind of glad it happened now, because now I don't have to be afraid of getting busted. Well, I got busted and this is what happened but it's okay. It all worked out in the end.

So, this is a great example of ...shit happens but how everything has a reason. He is not a service animal so it's not like I can take him everywhere and force our way into restaurants and such, but at least he is allowed in my own home, and for traveling. He is a nice little vest and ID and such, and official letter to prove that he is my emotional support animal.

And oddly enough, I feel like he is turning into more mellow and better dog after we registered him as ESA. As if he knows it. He is still acting as a guard dog sometimes when we go out, and when he sees "shady" people, he barks at them like crazy. And he is very selective of who he barks at. So he knows something that we don't know.

As he ages, he is turning into a much nicer, awesome dog. Just like how Pepe was. You have to give him a break because he is still 1 and a half and still in that puppy stage, but I think he is maturing real fast and knows what's up. He is so little but so powerful in our lives. I am so glad Rex is in our lives. Even though we miss Pepe greatly, I think Rex is taking over Pepe's duty and growing up real fast. I feel Pepe's spirit or his presence when I see Rex. I am sure Pepe wants to be with us physically and I wish the same. But for anyone, time is limited.

I am so proud of Rex. Pepe! Your brother Rex is now a registered emotional support animal!!!

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