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Guard dog Rex

This year has been one of the toughest year. I have managed to live in a safe environment as much as possible recently, trying not to get myself involved in anything major. I just wanted a simple, peaceful life after the tragic struck me with my last divorce. Last year I lost Pepe and that was hard and my father getting sick and all that hit me really hard too, so I was hoping for a better year, but not much luck.

Failure with IVF, and now getting myself in a huge trouble for being overly kind to other people, it was a wake-up call and the lesson I had to learn to love myself once and for all again. and to say NO when people try to step on my boundary, and to always put myself FIRST, where I had a tendency to always put others first... this year is a whole lot of new perspective and a lot of lessons again.

Because of the situation that I am in, or who knows what's going on in Rex's life, he is becoming a total guard dog. He barks like crazy when he sees or hears other people. There are some people who he won't bark, but certain kinds, he barks like crazy. He is becoming super protective of himself and me, I think. I can't get him to stop. My fiancé gets mad too when he barks like crazy. It started to happen after I came back from 2 weeks in Japan. He was alone a lot and something must have happened to him. but who knows what.

Its enough for me that you're there for me Rex. Pepe did the same, just being there for me. And that's all I need from you. No need to be barking at people and being a guard dog. You're too little to protect me. Although I appreciate it very much, you don't need to be Mr Barky Mcbarkinson.

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