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Emotional support dog

Rex has been barking so much lately. When he goes out in the car, he barks at everyone, especially the shady looking people. I start to wonder if he sense my vibe of being weary of everyone, and he barks at everyone. When he hears something on the hallway, he barks like crazy. I wish he would stop. I never had a problem with Pepe so I don't know what to do. This is the reality of dealing with a real dog.

Today a resident manager came by and served me a paper. I am not supposed to have a dog unless he is a assistant service animal. I need to quickly register him. I used to have Pepe as a service animal for certain thing but my therapist is no longer working. I am just so disappointed. He was barking at the resident manager too and the whole thing costs me a whopping 210 bucks. But the thing is, I needed to do this all along. at some point in order to stay here. At least we are not going through the actual lease people because it is my technically my place, so it is all up to me and manager can't report me to no-one.

I am kind of mad at Rex right now for the trouble he put us in. He does this a lot with his barking like when we go to the shops. They don't have to know that he is here unless he barks. At the same time, I am mad at the world for being such a dog-unfriendly world with so many rules. Hawaii makes it so hard for dogs. Restaurants, anywhere, Japan is much easier place and also I noticed in LA, it is much easier for dogs. they hang out everywhere. I mean, they are our family. Don't discriminate them you know?

Not a very good day. Thanks Rex.....for being so barkie...

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