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Last week Rex turned 1

Rex turned 1 as of January 31. Spoiled rotten, yeah..he is the center of attention...always come in between me and my fiance... he just cant stand us being kissy wussy, he just has to get all the attention.... well, he is like 15 yr old in human age so can't help it. But I hope he will give me comfort and healing of sort when he grows up too!

He is very picky about his food.. he is a random eater like daddy....

I can't believe Rex is already 1 though... year went by so fast. Pepe passed away and few months later we brought this guy home... a few months later, my boyfriend at that time proposed and we got engaged.. and since then it's already almost another year... life is going by so fast and I feel like everything is on hold... I want everything to move right now but maybe it's coming soon and I am just getting ready.... big changes coming I think. Get ready, Rex!

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