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Rex survived neuter surgery

Little Rex survived the neuter surgery the other day. Apparently it took a while for him to calm down so normally anxiety medicine slow him down after 15 minutes but he didn't slow down, so dr gave him extra and waited 30 minutes and finally I guess he was mellow.

This guy apparently pooped a little during the surgery and a lot after surgery ...stinking up the whole hospital. It must have been the rice we gave him the night before... but at least he came back all healthy. He seems to be okay, no balls any more. His puppy teeth are all gone too so his teeth hurt a little less when he bites me. A lot of growing up ... in several more days, this guy will be 1 year old. Whew. Time sure flies...

He didn't have to put the cone but we put the cone on him only at night time. Anyways... bravo to Rex for hanging in there.

Pepe was already done with neuter surgery so this was the first for me to deal. I felt bad for him, but neuter surgery is definitely a good idea for dogs and especially for chihuahua to do it early. I am sad that he will los his reproductive ability and can't make no more babies of Rex, but he probably doesn't care.

Rex made it look like this surgery was a piece of cake... so for me, I can do anything too. I have a lot of challenges coming up, but yeah... No big deal.

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