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Surgery Postponed

Rex's tummy was acting up. He has been having soft stool for a while. On the way to get to the vet, as if he knew where he was going or knew what he was getting himself into, his stomach started to growl like crazy like he had to poop real bad or about to poop out some serious diarrhea. Once I got there, I talked to the doctor and she said because this is elective surgery, we should postpone it so that there is no complication. if he has diarrhea after he comes out of full anesthesia. it will be bad. So we decided to let him heal first and wean off chews for a while because rawhide chew does give him diarrhea apparently. We are guilty of giving him a lot of chew at night because he gets so crazy hyper. Poor guy.

It is postponed until next week. If he gets better though. Maybe that was his wish for wanting to hang onto his balls a little longer... at least close to his birthday... who knows. Heal, Rex.

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