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Rex...a day before his neuter surgery

Rex is growing fast. He is almost 1 year old. But because we have to do his neuter surgery within a year of care club with VCA, we have decided to do the surgery tomorrow. I wanted to wait til March until the last minute before it expires. But my fiance thought it won't matter, "he will lose his balls regardless".

Well, i guess that's right. and sometimes they say it's better to do early for chihuahua before they get aggressive. Well. Rex can get aggressive alright... I took him to trim his nails and he tried to bite the groomer. She scolded him saying naughty boy but I felt bad. It was a good bite. He tried scratching and biting my finger too while I tried to get him to stop. Oh boy.

He was just taking a lot of nap today because it's just a beautiful day here in Hawaii with some trade wind. He doesn't know that he will go through neuter surgery and his balls will be taken away yet... awww I feel so bad.

I was never there for pepe when neuter surgery happened for him so I don't know. When I first took him in, he was already 5 and 1/2 year old old and already had no balls....

We will see if it makes any difference for his personality... but more than anything I wish for a good surgery and that he will be okay. Prayers needed.....bye bye balls....

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