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Pepe's sending me messages again

Today I took Rex in for a blood text before he gets his neuter surgery next week. He's 11 months now and will be 1 year old on Jan 31st. Time flies. He even went stay with auntie Elena Aikau's house for a week while we were gone to Vegas. He did okay. i know he missed us and he demanded people food but that's Rex. He is a survivor.

So, while I was waiting for Rex to get his blood taken out, I saw this old local Japanese couple come in with their golden retriever dog. He was weak and was going to be put to sleep. He couldn't walk and husband was carrying him in his arms. Husband was totally crushed and I think he had been crying a lot. Wife was trying to stay strong and talking to their dog saying "It's time to say good bye.....".

I couldn't watch them. It was too much for me. It was exactly a year ago from today that I took Pepe to the vet and he got checked in. I got a call the next day around 5 or 6 in the morning from Dr Fujitani telling me Pepe passed away. Pepe was trying to remind me of something. Once again.

Pepe never liked the vet. He would always sit close to me like it was the end of the world.

and when we finish meeting the doctor, he was always ready to leave.

I still remember Pepe when he got checked in exactly a year ago today. His face was full or worries, and sadness. He also looked like he felt bad for me, and for the world. He was really struggling. I never forget this face.

It was a really difficult time for both of us. But now he is resting in peace. But to remember his life, I will buy a bouquet of flowers and bring it to the chair where we used to take a walk ... ala moana park. Hopefully we buy some kalbi for Pepe to serve him for his little temple by my bed. I will spend tonight recollecting his memory tonight and tomorrow. It's easier because I have Rex, but I hope he understands too that Pepe was a very special dog to me and that he is here with us in our lives because of him. I miss him so much. More on Pepe tomorrow.

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