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What if Rex wasn't crazy

When we got Rex as a puppy, we both thought he was a mellow dog. We were told his parents don't bark and really mellow. Well, turns out it wasn't exactly that. I am sure he is hyper and crazy because he is still a puppy, but I have been told Pepe was a perfect well-behaved super quiet puppy as well. Well, Pepe set the standard too high that no other dog in this whole world can top that. I mean it.

But then I was thinking ..... what if Rex wasn't crazy and hyper? I just lost Pepe and was devastated. I was struggling so much from pet loss. Then Rex came in the picture. We were obviously trying to find a dog similar to Pepe. But Rex is a totally different dog, and a personality. If Rex was super mellow and quiet like Pepe now, I might have felt sad somehow. I think Rex is this way on purpose. He is supposed to bring liveliness into our lives and that's why he is crazy. He is pretty good most of the time like Pepe, hardly bark. Anti-social (to other dogs). His biting and energy is nothing that Pepe had, but he is still a 9 months old puppy. I think he is just letting us experience this whole puppyhood which I never got to experience with Pepe. I am sure he was a perfect puppy, but it's okay. Rex make us mad, makes us laugh, he teaches us to cherish each moment we are alive. He teaches us what's it like to be a puppy, to explore the world and be curious about everything with no fear.

So it's perfectly okay the way he is. I am sure he will slow down one day when he is older. or after his balls are gone. (lol) He definitely fills the emptiness we had in our lives after Pepe was gone. It would not be the same without Rex. We love you just as much, Rex. Be a puppy, Be crazy. It;s all good.

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