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I have been so busy since I got back from Japan. Work has been non-stop. I guess it's a good thing but it's a mixed feeling. I used to love being busy but I prioritize my private time more now that I get irritated when it starts to get really busy. I have to write this long beauty column each week too so it actually takes up a lot of time. Today is Sunday and I was working while my fiancé is playing game. And back to work again tomorrow. I have work commitment again tomorrow ... this week is better than the last 2-3 weeks but I have to start getting ready to go to Japan again. I honestly don't know what the future holds for me as far as my career goes. i do want to work in TV again but i want my time to be flexible. I never want to be in a situation where I can't travel because of work. I want to work in an environment where people understand when I have to go.

I tend to work ,(werk, werk, werk......) a lot. I don't like it. When I see my fiance work mon-fri from 8-5pm. I feel like I can't do it, but at the same time I think to myself that they are done with work once they leave so that's good. The kind of work I did all my life, was never ending, if emergency pops up, I get to it. No matter what time of the day. I should be able to enjoy my time off as my time off. So my work policy has changed quite a bit since I left radio. But yes... I still tend to work a lot.

Rex sometimes stops me from doing that. He bites my fingers to interrupt my work and sit right front of the PC. Her knows exactly how to be annoying. LOL He does that to my fiancé too when he is playing game too much and not paying attention to him. He is a smart boy for such tiny brain he has, it's pretty amazing. Pepe would just sit next to the computer and never really bothered me though. I am sure he wanted me to stop but he just sat by me. Just chilling. Rex and Pepe...personality is so different. Rex is funny because his intentions are very clear and easy to understand as well. He is still very much of a child. He became 9 months today, I think.. Only 9 months... of course he wants to be crazy.

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