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Back to school

Rex has gone back to school. Well, puppy kind. He did pretty well with his first puppy program and learned to pee and poop in the same area. When we go for a walk, he knows he needs to check in with me and always makes eye contact with me. I think I got my money worth. But he just didn't stop biting us at night, so I decided to put him back to school. That way he will learn to socialize with other dogs.

Pepe was never interested in other dogs. He was apparently living with 2 other dogs. 2 other dogs which I forgot their names were given up for adoption, and they were pretty big dogs. Pepe was apparently never interested in playing with them and just remained calm. He probably didn't care too much when he became on his own.

So I was quite concerned that Pepe was afraid of other dogs even though he lived with other dogs for a certain period of his life. Maybe he really thought he was human and wasn't quite sure why he had to deal with other dogs. Maybe Rex is like that too. But for Rex, I think he is just too little and just get scared of other bigger dogs. I don't want him to fear anything and I want him to have big dreams. I want him to know that he can conquer anything in his life and be proud of his little-ness. I want him to do big things in life. Big positive things.

Sure, interacting with other dogs is a pain in a butt sometimes. I mean, for me too it's a hassle dealing with other people sometimes. I sometimes just rather be alone. I used to like people so much. But recently I find socialization very exhausting. It's all because of everything I went through and it is a bitch. It was never this complicating. So I am learning to socialize with Rex. I am forcing myself to go for walks so I meet people through Rex. So I know what it's like to interact with people. So I can just purely enjoy people. Hopefully Rex will enjoy other dog's company.

But when all else fails, it's okay because we have each other.

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