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Rex's first big adventure to the outer island

When Pepe was alive, we used to travel so much with Pepe. Even before I met my fiancé, I would take him to my business trips to outer islands because I didn't trust anyone to take care of him. (Plus costs money!) Pepe and I went everywhere...Kauai, Big Island, Maui... he would just chill on the bed, well behaved as usual. Not even whine, bark or cry on the flight. But this was our first trip to Kauai with this little Rex. He can bark when he wants to. I took him for a walk so he would be tired enough but I guess he wasn't. He was staring at us and barked a few times and whine on the way to Kauai. But eventually he was okay... after we gave him a chew. Thank GOD for the chew....

We traveled everywhere and I think Rex got a little tired. One bad habit is that now we spoiled him so much with regular table food, he thinks he deserves the food as well. So every time we eat, he bites us, climb over us, and bark. He did that a few times in Kauai too when we were at the restaurant. Right...he is not exactly Pepe... when he sleeps like this in the car, he was an angel and such a cutie pie though.

Rex got to watch this beautiful Wailua Falls and went everywhere with us. Overall he was being pretty good. And on the way back, he slept the whole entire time like a tired child. Tired dog is a good dog. So true.. lol

We visited some places that we have visited with Pepe. We did our family photo at Hanalei Pier and while I was there, it really made me think of Pepe. It was just a comforting place to be, and we didn't have Pepe this time... rex was with us but I sort of felt this warm presence in the air...I think Pepe was there with us, remembering our last trip to Kauai together back in November last year. I miss Pepe so, so much.

PS. Mama and Papa on our flight to Kauai :) To pay tribute to all you dog lovers, doggie snapchat!

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