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First injury

I feel terrible right now. I am a bad mama. Rex was being really hyper this afternoon. I picked him up to put on the bed with my boyfriend and he didn't want him, so I picked him up and just playing with him and coming back to the living room, and all of a sudden, he freaked out and wanted to come out of my arms and I tried to grab him but I couldn't control him. He fell from my arm. That's pretty high. When he landed he cried and humping ... he walks over to his bed but just want to bite me and play. He still wanted to play with me and brought me his sheep and I threw it for him to catch the sheep. He couldn't run and his leg just got dislocated or something and he cried and was on his other leg and just crying... okay... emergency.

Took him to ER. Brings me back memories of Pepe. Just feeling terrible. Okayed doing x-ray and dr originally tells me he is okay, from looking at the x-ray. That he should be okay in a week. Just need to rest and take pain meds. But later that night she calls because radiologist took a look and saw something ...that a part of his growth plate might have fracture, not completely. but just to stabilize his bone and to be on the safe side, she tells me that he needs to be brought back to put a bandage. Giant bandage is put on his left leg, and looks like a rocket. He can't walk or do any regular stuff with his big thing. I feel horrible. Have to change his bandage once a week. if getting wet or whatever immediately. This was so unnecessary if I was paying more attention. All my fault.

Today was not a good day at all. I was worried about my dad's result too and just feeling crappy. Boyfriend issue and everything. And Rex being super hyper and biting me so much, I was irritated. I didn't drop him, but I was not being super careful. Dr assistant tells me that we can never drop him because his head is open his apple head is so close to the brain that his head is super sensitive. He could have neurology problem and could die easily. Never drop him. or never have anything touch or pat his head hard.

I was being too aggressive to him like I would throw stuff at him just to play with him. I totally forgot about his open skull. He wants to play hard too and I was just tagging along. He seemed tough so I played tough to him. I thought he is a puppy so he must have a lot of energy. Maybe it's a lesson that I had to learn, that I need to still be cautious with this reckless little one. He gets a little crazy at home but I have to be loving and sensitive to him. He is just a 5 months old puppy. He is still growing. He is not going to be my emotional support just yet. He is not Pepe. I keep comparing him to Pepe and get irritated sometimes, to be honest. because he bites so much and wonder when he is going to ever learn not to bite us? I mean I didn't know how Pepe was but apparently he was a perfect puppy too.

i think I was being really hard on Rex. and i feel terrible. I have to accept him for who he is and love him anyway. i can't help but to compare him to Pepe. But this is the result of lack of attention to him. So sorry Rex. I will be extra careful to you now.

When little one like this can't walk, he can't say nothing but just cry, I feel horrible. I am sure this is not comfortable for him. I can;t believe I let him fall and drop out of my arms. Just like two other dogs that came in to ER, they ate garbage while they were not looking. other one ate the needle. All of us just simply not paying attention...all of us... feeling crappy.

I hope this won't affect Rex in his growth. I just took him for a walk to ala moana park for the first time and he seemed to enjoy it so I was going to do it more often. and as a matter of fact, I was going to take him for a walk today. and that is why I picked him up. and now he can't go for at least 3 weeks.

I remember when Pepe was with Joey and jan, he fell from really high up, and humping. I think same thing. Small dog just can't be dropped. I need to Just love him more. This injury and incident was a lesson for me, I think. to be more loving to him.

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