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2 week break from Rex

I took a 2 week break from Rex while I was in Japan. Rex didn't seem to be too stressed out about me being away when I got back. He was probably pretty content with his daddy. He is probably not at the stage where he recognizes me as his mommy anyway. Puppy is a lot of work so it was nice not having to wake up every so often and he seemed like he toughened up when I got back. My boyfriend took really good care of him too I know. He is such a good loving dad. This is the pic he sent me of him and Rex. How cute is this? I just adore them both.

When I was back in Japan, I thought about Pepe a lot. I always had a sense of guilt when I left Hawaii to travel anywhere, but I didn't have that guilt. I had some sort of a guilt for Rex of course but it wasn't the same because Pepe was so dependent on me and my love. Rex is still clueless about these kind of things. When I landed in Japan, i felt like Pepe was waiting for me. He is always with me in spirit and I have some of his ashes at home so I felt like Pepe was here waiting for me for some reason.

I celebrated his 14th birthday in Japan too. He would have bene 14 if he was still alive. I used to celebrate making food and doing something special for him. Not this year. So I was sad. I thought about him a lot. It just seems like forever since he's been gone. But it's only been 6 months.

Rex definitely helps us fill that emptiness. Just having a dog in our lives is so much better. And he is much like Pepe with his personality. No barking, afraid of other dogs. Love human. Love to eat. He bites a lot but that's just being a puppy I guess. Overall he is a good boy. I wonder if he ever feels like he is a replacement for Pepe. It's not fair for Rex either that he is a second dog for me. First dog always mean the world I think. But that doesn't mean Rex is less of a dog to us in any way. It's just our memory is still in the super early stage because Rex and we just met, and became family. More attachment is coming.

I wake up only like once at night for Rex to take him out to pee. Yes he has been good. I think my boyfriend is a great dad. I love a good dog daddy. Pepe always knew he was the one because he probably knew that he was a good caretaker when I didn't even know anything about him. He liked him right off the start.

I am back being a dog mom and taking him to puppy class and all. But life with dog is good. I can't live without a dog. I love the smell of the dog. I just enjoy having a dog run around the house and being all cute and silly. Dogs just melt my heart.

Maybe one day Rex will miss me like how Pepe used to. That's when traveling gets tough. A whole lot of inter island trip for me and my boyfriend. haha.

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