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Sweet little "crazy" puppy

Rex turned 4 months old today. OMG takes a lot of work. It's kind of coming together but it's been like...a lot of work.

Just makes you realize how special Pepe was. I am not saying Rex is any less or he is a bad boy. It's just a difference in their personality. And who knows if Pepe was acting like a puppy at home when he was little too? At least Rex doesn't bark or nothing, and a lot similar to Pepe's personality...afraid of other dogs because he thinks he is a human and only love human.

My mom called me from Japan today for needing help with her internet situation. They always need my help. When she called me, she sounded down because she had no idea what to do and was getting frustrated. I can tell so much about her emotion in her tone of voice. It's so easy to tell with her because she is like an open book. And I was thinking about the time I had to call her in the early morning to tell her that Pepe passed away.

She was lost for words. She was shaking so much and couldn't type or talk. We were both crying so much but I managed to let her know what was going on. Now that I think about it, Rex is 4 months old but it's only been about that much since Pepe passed away. Pepe passed away on Jan 12 and Rex was born shortly after that on 31st. Wow, it's only been 4 months.

I really don't think it was too fast to get another dog. I needed a dog in my life. I still miss Pepe daily but I guess it's only natural because it's only been 4 months. Rex, even though he becomes this crazy hyper puppy especially at night, he helps me deal with his loss. He really does.

I should enjoy his sweet little puppyhood while I can. I just hope that he will stop that biting soon. It hurts! Ouch!

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