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Bite, bite bite...

Rex is in the stage of puppy biting. He likes to bite everything, especially us. It gets worse at night. Fingers, arms, body... he just doesn't stop and won't get the message that it hurts when he does that. I get so irritated at him even though I have nothing but love for him. Can't control it because he is a puppy and he should act like puppy...its completely normal. I just view Pepe as a perfect dog too much.

Dr Fujitani said he was a perfect dog even when he was a puppy. I guess he was just one of the very rare dog in this world. I remember when I met this psychic lady long time ago, she said that Pepe was a human in his last life and he wanted to experience being a dog, so he is much of a human in his dog form. She said that we have been reincarnating together over and over together and that Pepe and I were soulmates. I just like believing in good story.

So now, what about Rex? He is going to be 4 months old soon in a few days. He will have his last vaccination shot next week. This is very important time of his life right now and needs to be exposed to more people, dogs, sound, smell and everything. Maybe he bites so much because he feels neglected. He wants to play more. Overall, he doesn't bark, he sleeps longer hours now and making it easier for me to wake up only maybe once or twice a night for his bathroom time. He makes way less mistakes. Overall, he is pretty good....but this biting thing gets me.... and gets me irritated.

Pepe, you need to help me figure it out ...

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