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Little Rex tore off the important business cards that I just received. I have been super busy for the last several days straight. Been grumpy because I am so friggin worn out. Rex knows that I am not spending enough time and giving him love and attention. I can't....I just can't. So I think this is like a clear sign that he is sending me saying hey play with me and spend time with me. I wish I could. I wish I could just play and stare at Rex all day long everyday of my life. But I can't.

I feel bad because I know he is lonely. He is all by himself during the day. My boyfriend comes home for lunch sometimes, but mostly he is just all by himself for the last few days. And I know that right now it's a very important period of his life. He needs to go out and socialize with more people and explore life out there but he is stuck at home all by himself and hating life. So I understand. When I am typing shit away on my computer, he bites my pinky finger because I am not using my pinky finger so much. He wants me to stop spending time on my PC and play with me. Message received.

I have to make ends meet when I can. But it's not cool you do this to me. Not cool.

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