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Accepting a new man

I have been taking Rex on a little journey to get used to new places,new be exposed to life. So that he won't be afraid and nothing will come as a total shocker when he grows up and bark at everything he sees. I really want him to be like brother Pepe but I already have a feeling he will be a good boy.

I think I can finally say, that I am accepting Rex as my new little man in my life. It was kind of crazy in the beginning because we honestly didn't know what to do with each other because he is just a puppy. But he is growing up so fast and maturing fast. Rex reminds me of Pepe a lot now. It just takes time to move on completely and accept the new life with new dog. I think taking him out to cafe and exposing him to new people is helping us bond. He is sometime afraid when he goes outside so he is becoming dependent on me and learning to trust me that I don't do any harm to him and that I will protect him.

But he is making big progress and actually pretty friendly to people and never bark at anyone. Good sign. I don't feel like such a tired mom handling a new born baby now. I feel like a happy mom. And as much as memory with Pepe never fade, it is starting to turn into only a positive memory and now I can say that I accept Rex as my new little man.

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