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Good days bad days

I took Rex to a cafe again today to be exposed to more friends and new places. He was pretty scared and anti-social today. Yesterday he was doing just fine, but today he was shaking a bit. He would eventually poke his head out of the bag and started going places, but he didn't approach anyone who wanted to pet him. It has to be his pace. He is a wild man at home. But I see so much difference when I take him outside of home. I think this is definitely a good thing that I am doing this. He didn't do so well today with his socializing skill but maybe tomorrow he will be more confident. There is a pet expo this weekend so maybe I should take him and meet more people and doggies.

Overall I must say that he has been a pretty good dog though. He doesn't bark. He makes mistakes and does his puppy biting but that is only natural. This afternoon he slept right next to me like how Pepe used to do. And that was really comforting. It's hard to keep him still because he wants to move around and be a crazy puppy. But recently a lot of what he does is starting to remind me of Pepe. And I feel like he is slowly but surely becoming what Pepe was to me. A true companion. It always takes time to get used to new situations. I love Rex. I feel like I can finally wholeheartedly accept him to be my little guy.

I realize any pain or scar takes very long time to heal. It actually never go away. You just kind of learn to live with it but the pain gets less painful as time goes by. You accept what happened for what it was. And you eventually make peace with your all your wounds and scars, sad memory turn into a positive memory and just simply become a part of you. And you feel so much lighter because you don't carry that heavy feeling any more.

Life is a series of up's and down's. Good days and bad days. But bad day doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It just means that you needed to adjust your situation, to become better. Everyday is a lesson of life. Little Rex and I are embarking on another journey to find who we are.

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