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Being exposed to life

I have a new assignment for Rex from the dog trainer. Getting Rex to be exposed to more people and new surroundings other than the comfort of his own home. I guess it is important to expose your dog to lots of people during his puppyhood that way he will be more calm and friendly to human. Last week during his puppy obedience class, he was scared of other dogs and didn't get close to any of them. This past class, he became more comfortable and confident. He even let one dog attack him and he was still being playful. He didn't seem to care after he got attacked either. Everybody was applauding him for big progress he made. Now it is time for Rex to be more exposed to people. New noise, new smell, new surroundings other than home. She told me to take him out in his bag to like Jamba juice or starbucks and have people approach him, but to make sure they use sanitizer before touching him because he still hasn't finished all his shots, and to be sure to have Rex be in charge of approaching them instead of people approaching him.

I have been homebound recently since the job got canceled last minute. I was supposed to be in big island right about now doing some work. Jobs from this one particular company gets canceled last minute all the time and I am not too pleased with that. But oh well. I feel like I am given lots of free time now to be there for Rex. because I guess this is very important time of his life. This period can have a big affect on his personality later in his life. And I do want him to be more like Pepe when he grows up.

I am not much of a social butterfly unless I have to. I am outgoing and I will talk to people when they say hi. But I have changed a lot since a few years back when I got divorced. I don't make myself available to too many people any more unless I have to. I have a trust issue. At one point, I only trusted my family, a few best friends, and my dog Pepe. I think Pepe became very sociable because of me. He would greet everybody and always tried to make the best impression on people. I think he even did it for me at one point because he would always go straight to the people with authority always, as if he knew who to please the most that would benefit mama.

Later in his life, he became more quiet. He was friendly but I think he was only loyal to me, just like I was to him. I think your dog becomes much like your own personality as you spend more time with them. And I thought, I don't want Rex to be afraid. I want him to be the best dog he can be, just like his brother Pepe. He needs to hear more noise, and be exposed to more new things that life has to offer. I was stuck in home with Rex because I didn't want him catching any disease either. But it's time to go out and explore again. Instead of sitting at home in your comfort zone, it's time to re-do it all over again and just simply enjoy life.

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