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Things change

This used to be Pepe's playground. I had a small satellite studio in this area called Waikiki Beachwalk. I used to host a live radio show from Monday through Thursday for Japanese biggest FM radio station called J-wave and I used to bring Pepe to the studio. Before the show, I would take him out for a walk around this area. He loved taking a walk around here and would pee all over the place. He knew everyone there, cuz he was so friendly that he would go into each store and poke his head and say hi to every shop staff. Everybody loved him.

I took a walk back to my house today after work and bumped into a Wyndham sales lady who loved Pepe. She is a big dog lover and she dealt with the loss of 2 dogs and now she has only one that's 6 years old. She was getting emotional today when I was explaining how he died. We were reminiscing the time when I had a show here for the last 7 years and how Pepe's walking time delighted everyone. It helped me greatly too because Pepe helped me relax before the live radio show. He would sit on my lap and never make a noise so nobody knew that a dog was in the studio. (Although all my listeners knew). He felt refreshed after the walk and would get inside my car with all excitement. He knew everyday that he was going to beachwalk.

But now all this grass is nylon grass. Not a real grass any more. Hopefully not because of all the pee Pepe did and ruin the but that Pepe is gone now too.

Those were good times, but things change. But this place will forever remain as such a memorable place for me and Pepe.

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