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Eternal good bye

I finally let go of my beloved Scion XB. My boyfriend helped me take this final picture right before heading over to the shop to buy me a new car. I was super sad and emotional. Night before this, we went for a last drive. I was an emotional wreck. For a second, I didn't even know why I was switching to a new car. Why when I can still perfectly use this car that I have so much love and affection for? Plus it has Pepe hair and all that much memory for the last 10 years. I took really good care of this one. Pepe loved riding in my car so much. He loved poking his head out of the window. Before the restriction about where the dog sits was loose, he would sit in my lap, and sometimes he would stand up and pretend like he was holding the handle. I am not sure if it was intentional but it really made him look like he was driving a car. After the restriction changed, he would always sit next to me as my navigator.He seemed like he was enjoying it. I always had a small plate in my car to feed him some water because he would get thirsty often because of the medicine he was on. I could just picture him sleeping in my car all relaxed and all, and I can just cry thinking about the time I shared with last day before his cremation, he seemed like he was just sleeping, and I prayed that he would wake up, but he didn't.

It was really hard to let go of my car. I couldn't stop crying thinking how much I had shared with Pepe in this car, and just overall for going through a lot of shit in my life and how this car was always there for me. When I temporarily went back to Japan in 2011,

I had to leave this car at the stranger bodyguard person's house for almost 2 months. When that whole thing happened, I almost sold this car and was going back to Japan for good. But something told me that I shouldn't. I am glad that I didn't and got to spend a few more years with this one. My scion xb never gave me any problem. Viva Made in Japan car. I really hope that someone really nice will buy this car and take really good care of it. My scion XB deserves a lot of love and attention. I realized that I forgot to take my omamori in my car. Oh well.

My new car is nice and all, but I am still getting used to it. I feel very detached from Pepe because of no more scion xb. I don't know if getting me a new car would help me move on faster but it's too late anyway. A little Rex will be riding in my new fancy big car now which is too funny because he is so little. I am probably the saddest person in the world to let go of my car for a new car.

I literally sat and cried at the dealership office. I am probably the least excited person getting a new car. It's gradually sinking in that I have a new car. I know memory will not go away, but it's just sad. But it's all part of making a new chapter of my life. Hopefully a better and more positive part of my life.

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