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Little Rex

Today, little Rex got his 2nd shot at the vet. Dr Fujitani was surprised how fast he is getting bigger. All the staff there were screaming and saying how cute he gets day by day. I said I am taking him to puppy obedience class and one staff said "oh I thought he was already perfect, he doesn't bark at all."

That's true. He puppy bites everything and pee and poop everywhere because he is a puppy. He is exploring the world. This little soul came into this world only 10 weeks before and he is full of life already. Thats impressive.

He definitely seems bigger and longer. And he is definitely getting cuter. His facial expression too, I notice his smile line more now. Pepe was the same way. When I first met him, he just had this "i am not so interested in anything" face. After he met me and maybe because I generally smile and laugh a lot, maybe he learnt to smile as well. He definitely smiled a LOT later in his life.

I am really starting to get mommy attached to Rex more now. I just want to squish him. He's finally starting to give me lots of joy instead of exhaustion! lol

This white bag was something I bought after watching the TV show called Shark tank. It was actually too small for Pepe but its perfect size for Rex. People probably think that I am crazy, but I am just a sucker for doggies and babies and I am proud of it. I have hope that Rex will be a good dog like Pepe. Because I believe Pepe really brought Rex to us, and that he is watching all of us from above.  

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