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Getting used to Baby Rex

March 20 was the day Rex became our family member. It's going to be 3 weeks now and I feel like I am finally getting used to a new life pattern with Rex. I was stressing out so much in the beginning with the pressure of not knowing what to do with a puppy. But he sleeps a lot and he's overall a really good boy. I can go out for a few hours leaving him at home in the crate now. I can also go out with him in a bag and he sleeps in it and can stay quiet.

Me and my boyfriend got to go to movies for the first time the other night and it was SO nice and refreshing.... lol I am finally starting to have my normal life back again as I am getting to know his pattern and his limitation. Like I said on my last post, my love for him is definitely growing and getting stronger day by day. I can't wait for the puppy obedience class starting on April 25th. It's just like a kid going to school and I am pretty excited what we are about to learn.

In the first week after getting Rex, I had a sense of regret for taking on such huge responsibility. I was exhausted and my stomach was giving me this extreme pain everyday. But now that I have accepted the fact that Yes, it's hard, it's a puppy, and it's natural for me to stress out about him, it's all good now and my stomach is finally on its recovery. Now I can't imagine a life without a dog and am very thankful for my boyfriend for getting Rex. Rex is handful, but he does give us so much joy and keeps us close. It gives us something to smile and laugh about daily. My friend said that Pepe gave me so much comfort and healing but Rex will probably be giving me lots of laughter in my life. Yeah...he's definitely a comedian type more than the healer.... :)

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