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Little dinosaur

Somebody told me that the best remedy for break-up is to find another guy right away. I guess that's true. Getting little Rex was a right thing to do, I think. But unlike a new guy, he takes a lot of work! He wakes up a few times in the middle of the night for pee and poop, and it's not like after he's done with his job, he's gonna go back to sleep right away like us human. I have to play with him for a little while to get him tired again. Just like having a baby. My friend was laughing and saying that I have a child now.

He acts like a little punk sometimes biting everything, pooping everywhere he feels like it, all of these things. I was expecting to receive some comfort and healing from this guy and turns out that I get a lot of stress of raising this little dinosaur. My stomach has been hurting like crazy since last Thursday or Friday. Kidney stone kind of pain. But it's always right before when my boyfriend gets home and through the night, as if I feel relieved from stress knowing he is coming home, and that Rex can be in his hands.

I look at pictures of Pepe and think to myself how crazy perfect Pepe was. All thought his life he was perfect. There is not much healing in my life right now. Rex definitely get me distracted from missing him or thinking of him too much. But it's exhausting. It's not to say that I don't love Rex. He's super cute and all but it's just a big pressure thinking how I can get this little hyperactive puppy into perfection like Pepe. Is it wrong of me to expect another Pepe in my life?

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