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Pepe and Rex

I knew I had it easy with Pepe. Pepe might be laughing from heaven. No... he was so nice he would not even do that. He would try all his power to help me. First week with a dog in my life was exhausting! Of course this is what I wanted, but he is a puppy full of energy, and it takes so much energy out of me. I am home 24/7 with him chasing him and cleaning his poop and pee, and sometimes when I get to leave the house without him, I feel so relaxed and relieved! It's not that I don't love Rex but getting used to this little crazy guy is not necessary 'healing' at this point. Pepe was all about healing and comfort. He truly was a perfect dog. I really hope Rex will be like him but it's a long shot. I remember my ex was saying he used to bark a little bit like whining when he was a puppy too and he was full of energy so hopefully this is just a puppy phase. Pepe, Please help Rex be like you!

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