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Pepe, the perfect dog

Maybe Pepe is relieved that I found another dog to care for. I really hope so. When I went to see this dog psychic after he passed away, that's what she said ...that he was saying its okay to get another dog when you feel ready and don't hesitate or feel bad because he said mama need a dog. Pepe was right.. I needed a dog in my life. So even though it's been sleepless nights and a whole lot of pooping and peeing everywhere, it takes my mind off from thinking about Pepe. Rather, I get to think about all the good things he did while he was alive.

Pepe truly was a perfect dog. I took my vet to Dr Fujitani for the first time and at first when the nurse/assistant call and said "Appointment for Rex" I didn't even recognize the name at first because it's so brand new. I call him Pepe sometimes too. No offense to Rex. He was just such a huge part of me.

Dr Fujitani said that too, that Pepe was a perfect dog, so we will need to train him a bit. Especially during his puppy time. Apparently Pepe was really good puppy too. Hopefully Rex will learn to be like Pepe. It really feels like having a baby, like human baby. Interrupted sleep, always have to be with the baby... a whole lot of vaccination, love and attention... the first part that I never knew about Pepe. I am sure he was an amazing puppy and I still wish I knew him from a puppy, but I think Pepe is letting me experience the whole puppyhood that I never got to experience through Rex. Rex is pretty smart even according to Dr Fujitani. He picks up stuff real fast. That also means he will learn to get away with things if you let him, so I'd just have to toughen up and be a strong mom.

I hope Pepe is looking down from heaven and smiling right now. I still do miss him and I still do get teary eyes about him. At first I thought Rex didn't look like Pepe but I accepted that as a fact that he's not Pepe and should treat him as a different dog. But after a several days of spending time with him, he is starting to look and feel a lot like him for some reason. Maybe my love for him is growing and could be what it is.

Pepe really was only a one in a lifetime dog, that not many people get to even meet. I really miss him even with Rex by my side. Pepe was a whole different level. With Rex, it feels a lot more like raising a dog, rather than this special creature made by God. But maybe that's because he is still a puppy. Maybe he will grow up to be mellow loving caring and super healing dog like Pepe.

All I gotta say is ... no offence to Rex or any other dogs out there, you are my number one dog Pepe and you will always be my number one. I love you so so much. Please watch over us and this little Rex from heaven.

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