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Happy National Puppy Day!

This past Sunday March 20th, we went down to Kahala Pet store to see if any breeders brought any puppies. Since I woke up late, I was not too confident about finding a puppy that day but we went anyway. There was a lot of distraction like my boyfriend's friends were eating dim sum in china town and that sounded really tempting. He was like we can't do both! But my priority was finding a puppy.

The day before that, we attended Red Cross event where they honored heroes of the community, including this really friendly dog named Diego. Diego was there in attendance and was real cute. When they showed his video, my tears rolled down and didn't stop. i missed Pepe so much and thought he could have easily be one of those rescue dog or healing dog. The kindness and friendliness he had was undescribable. So I had to fill in the hole of emptiness real fast. I was starting to get real pesmisstic.

And there you go. We found him. It was a sister and brother applehead chihuahua. One girl was already holding the boy but she let us hold him. Girl was already sold. Girl puppy's fur was more similar to Pepe but it's okay. My boyfriend was like, so what do you think? do you want him? and I didn't really have any moment of hesitation, it was more like out of deperation and I said yes. Applehead chihuahua, a boy, and mellow parents and mellow temper? It had to be a dog that Pepe led us to meet.

For a puppy, he hasn't barked one bit. He cries when I dissapear sometimes, but other than that, his personality is much like Pepe or what I imagine him to be like when he was a puppy.

I wish we could get sister's new owner to agree to meet our puppy sometime so they can still hang out. Pepe was from Australia and didn't have any clue where his mom and dad were or his sisters or brothers were at. This puppy's mom and dad are here and I have pictures of them both, and he has a sister in Oahu. How blessed is that?

He is so tiny and poops and pees everywhere but I remember when I first got Pepe, he was much like that. Also when I moved into a condo, he had a hard timd adjusting because he was so used to pee and poop on the grass. I get to relive positive moments of Pepe through him, and it's healing my heart so much.

He does a lot of similar things that Pepe used to do. Also because he is still 7-8 weeks old puppy, the way he sleeps is hilarious... no fear ... I wish I could continue to raise him in a way that he trusts people and not be afraid.

He bites a lot too but Pepe never bit anything or anybody. I never had Pepe since puppy time so there is a lot to learn.

This little puppy is going to make me and us so happy... I am so so thankful to my boyfriend for getting me this special puppy... Hello Rex!!!

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