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Something to live for

It's almost 2 months since he's gone. 2 months ago tonight, I was in my room wondering whats going to happen to Pepe. Next morning I got a call from my doctor saying he passed away. I remember that feeling like if it was yesterday.

Nobody can bring back Pepe. He was too precious of a dog. He was one of a kind. March 11 was the day of tsunami in Japan. 5 years ago so much happened, and so much has changed since. People who went through hell, still live today because they have something to live for, such as their family or loved ones. I was in my spin class and was just thinking about that for some reason. I used to have something to live for. I lived for Pepe. I really did.

Now my life feels so empty because Pepe is no longer around. I don't have much energy for life right now and I don't care becauser I have nothing to live for. Of course I will continue to live for my life for myself too but I need something to live for. When my friend's dad passed away, she said she was able to carry on through difficult time because she had her kids and she had the responsibility, She said she didn't know what she would have done otherwise. KInd of a same thing. I miss Pepe. I need something to live for.

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