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Missing him

I miss him. I don't feel like doing anything, really. Especially work. I can't concentrate on work. I used to have Pepe on my side whenever I worked. I write a lot so I work from home a lot and he would be right by my side. I just miss him too much. I miss having a dog in my life.

Pepe would be on top of me like this and just hang out. I used to love that. I have stuffed animal that looks a bit like him, but that doesn't do the complete job.

I miss seeing in the bathroom. This was his safe place. I used to say, it's dirty so get out of there but he wouldn't listen. It was dark and cold and he loved it.

He would pass out like this on the couch while I worked. It was a comforting sight for me.

What a lovely face...he seemed like all smiles in his sleep and he was smiling when he passed away too.

I loved his butt. He had a cutest butt and I would grab his butt and play with it a lot. He had a short tail that would curl up when he gets excited. He couldn't hide his feelings because his tail was too honest. I just wish I could hold him again. I need to find a perfect dog that is close as possible to Pepe. He wouldn't be the same but I still need the same face to remind me of good days I shared with Pepe.

I miss too much and my mind can't focus on work.

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