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little things I miss...

There are a lot of little things that I miss about Pepe. Today I went down to the post office to check on mail because I have my PO box over there. I moved around so much this past 12 years and got tired of changing my address all the time, so I just made my PO Box so I never have to register new address.

Right outside the post office, there is a nice grass so I used to take him there. He loved going into post office because it is so cold in there with AC ! People at the post office were always so nice to him. They would stop their work and talk to Pepe. He would sit on the counter to make sure they are doing their work. People just loved him there.

I walked around Waikiki today with such an empty feeling. Whenever I see dogs, my heart sank, and wanted to hold Pepe. My boyfriend is sick with a cold and I wish Pepe was here to comfort him too. He always used to do that. Even when he had a headache, he would sleep next to him as if he was trying to comfort him or understand his pain.

2 is not such a good number. I like 3. I like having this solid foundation of 2 and have this tiny little 1 existence in the middle. It makes it whole, whether that's baby or dog.

I still haven't gone anywhere to take a look at puppies yet. I keep thinking about it but just haven't had a chance. All I can say is that it will be impossible for me to find a dog just like Pepe. He was a perfect dog that I asked God for. He wasn't a threat to anyone. He was just a soldier of love. I mean...look at this picture outside of postoffice I took a while back. He is all smiling and hanging out and not being a threat to all these birds. Usually birds take off when a dog approches but not Pepe. He was not a threat, not even to these pigeons.

His sweet, kind, smiley face. I really miss him.

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