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Pepe's departure

One thing I like about funeral in America is that a lot of people see it as more of a positive departure. I have attended some funerals in Japan but Japanese funerals are depressing. It's all about them leaving us and seraration sadness.

I received this beautiful drawing done by Roy Chang this morning. He drew this for Pepe immediately after his death. And this is exactly how I imagined he would be in heaven. This is his departure to heaven.

He only got to meet Pepe in person only one time. But his drawing of Pepe was always spot on. I am lucky that I still get to see Pepe in action on his weekly cartoon column on Midweek. Sometimes he's a superhero, or dancing with the governor, etc Not too many people get this kind of opportunity to see your beloved pet in action after death. I truly believe this is one of the many things Pepe left for me so he knew that I was going to be okay and that I will be reminded of him for the rest of my life.

My mom loved this drawing and said she would frame it if she could get a copy. I think I am going to make a copy of this original Roy sent me, and send her one. I think it will make a good gift for her birthday which is coming up in a month.

I still can't believe he's gone though. I know I keep saying it. I posted about his death on facebook and instagram but I still haven't done anything for my Japanese blog. I just feel like if I do it, then it will confirm his death. I also have Pepe's facebook which I don't know what to do.

When I was talking to Ringo's mom, she was talking about Momo being her first dog and her first love that Ringo or whomever comes after Momo is considered their second child. I think your first dog is irressplaceble.

My clock is kind of stopped since Pepe passed away, and I haven't even gone to see any dogs in Hawaii.

I will start looking but there is no dog like Pepe anywhere in this world. He was a special dog and I am not saying that because he was my dog. People who had a chance to see him in person all said so.

I miss him terribly but I gotta start accepting the fact that he has departed for heaven.

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