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Pepe's girlfriend Ringo

Almost 2 years ago, Pepe met RIngo Lim. She was the only dog he thought was a true friend. He didn't know how to socialize with other dogs so well because he was surrounded by people so much all his life that he didn't know how to act or what to do around other dogs. But Pepe seemed at ease with Ringo right from the start. As you can see, Pepe and Ringo looked a lot like with each other so he probably felt like he was looking at himself in the mirror and maybe it was comfortable hanging out wth her.

Ringo spent a few months in Hawaii and went back to Los Angeles with his mom so Pepe never got to see her after that but I know he missed Ringo and wanted to see her. Pepe probably thought Ringo was his girlfriend, his true love. I'm sad he never got to see her again. But I got a chance to see Ringo's mommy tonight and it was so comforting to spend time with her and share our doggie love.

He had treats we got for him for X'mas he never got to finish so I asked her to share the treats with Ringo when she returns, because I'm sure Pepe would have wanted to share yummy treats with his love.

It's much harder now that I'm back in Hawaii where I left everything the way it was, his bed, his shi shi pads, all his toys...but as a starter, I'm glad that I got to share his favorite treats with Pepe's precious friend, Ringo chan.

I miss you Pepe but thank you for working your magic to let me spend time with Ringo chan's mommy tonight.


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